Tracker trained Foxhound puppies and adults

4 mth old foxhound x bluetick puppies playing
Because of the need for tracking dogs suitable for our extremely hot climate we have trained foxhound x bluetick puppies, and bred one litter of them. They are absolutely the best suited tracking dogs for our climate, being able to work energetically for very many hours in the severe heat. Our Olderhills track just as well as them, but can't last for very long in extreme heat before needing to be given cold water to drink and to be wet with ice water and preferably submerged in water. 
Jimmy (left) was only called in to track poachers after they had killed the rhino on the right, but he successfully led to their arrest and the retrieval of the horn. The presence of a tracking dog on a farm can prevent these things from happening, as word soon spreads that a 'detective dog' can follow a criminal right up to his house.
Jimmy, pictured above with Julie in a national newspaper, successfully tracked thieves, rhino poachers and wounded animals as a youngster 8 to 10 mths old. He once tracked potential rhino poachers for 6 hours in the blistering heat. He and Julie had no water the whole of this time (which would have probably killed another breed of dog). Afterwards Julie was exhausted and so thirsty that she struggled to swallow. Jimmy didn't want water and chased up and down with the dogs at home!
We have trained foxhound x bluetick youngsters 6 mths old to 2 yrs old available for sale. Below are some photos to show what gorgeous dogs they are to look at. They're wonderful to feel too as they are as soft as silk!